Before the school year begins, become familiar with various models of co-teaching. Try not to use the same mode of instruction on a regular basis. What works for some students will not work for others. One way to be sure you use varying modes of instruction is to designate a different co-teaching model for each day of the week. Below is a list to get you started.
Parallel Teaching: Click here to watch this approach!
Using this model, two separate lessons are going on at the same time. Teachers split the class into two groups. This model is beneficial when introducing a new topic to a group of students who have a difficult time staying focused. This provides greater teacher supervision and student response. This model may also be used if a group of students do not have the background knowledge/skills to participate. A mini-lesson can be provided before "jumping in" to a new lesson.
Station Teaching: Click here to watch this approach!
The classroom is divided into several groups (stations). The learning is student centered. Teachers rotate from station to station acting as a facilitator and providing support as needed. Each station can contain different content, or the stations can contain the same content on different levels. This is a great way to meet the needs of below-average, average, and above-average students.
Alternative Teaching: Click here to watch this approach!
After instruction is given, you will notice that some students still do not understand the content. With alternative teaching, one teacher pulls a group of students aside and reteaches the content instead of having them move along before they are ready to. The other group of students are provided with enrichment activities of an alternative asignment.
Team Teaching: Click here to watch this approach!
Using this model, both teachers teach at the same time. They may alternate between parts of the lesson, one may talk while the other models, they may role play, etc.
Drift: Click here to watch this approach!
While one teacher teachers, the other teacher circulates around the room providing support as needed.
Complementary Teaching:
The General Education teacher teaches the main content while the Special Education teacher teaches associated skills, such as note-taking, study skills, collaboration, or background skills required in order to participate in the lesson.
Supplementary Teaching:
The General Education teacher teaches the content and the Special Education teacher teaches reinforces the content in small group activities or work outside of the class.
While one teacher teaches, the other teacher observes. Both teachers should decide in advance what type of information should be gathered during the observation (for example: student engagement, student achievement, time management, etc). Later, this information should be analyzed together in order to adjust instruction to best meet the needs of the students.